Best Beloved

Flash: 2001- 2020

Cyrus: 2012-2020

Wilson: 2009?-2020

I rode Flash, registered Oklahoma Surfer Boy, for several years before he was ours. We brought him home when he was 18 and his teenager had moved on to other things, and he was perfect for us, safe and uncomplicated. The three of us, my son, Flash and I, explored trails, tried and fumbled with Mountain Trail, fought light saber battles and chased soccer balls together. He was a tall, striking guy and he knew it, but he was utterly gentle and calm with Kade. He was always up for anything, nose in your business and always, always looking for his next, well deserved treat. I trusted him enough to ride for several months of my surrogate pregnancy, and hopped right back on as soon as I could without hesitation. We’re still not sure why we lost him when we did, and I’ll forever regret that we had barely over a year together, a year interrupted by pregnancy, pandemic, and wildfires. I’ll always be grateful for the gift of what time we did have, Flash the Very Good Horse.

Cyrus, registered Achy Break Your Heart, was our first dog, and boy did we hit an absolute goldmine. We were his home when he retired from the show life, and from minute one he fit in perfectly with us. Wilson immediately put him in his place without too much damage, and they coexisted as distant roommates ever after. Cyrus was a true ambassador for his Boxer breed, for his show dog origins and a Perfect Gentleman always. Week long road trips, 10 mile long trail rides, daily barn visits, camping in the woods, cuddling with the kid, playing with puppies, even kayaking he handled with lovely aplomb. He was the Very Best Dog, and we miss him and his snoring, his soccer ball chasing, and his goofy, willing presence every day.

My husband is a cat person, having one tattooed on his shoulder, even if we’re taking a cat hiatus currently. Wilson was a giant white fluffball, aptly named after Tom Hank’s best friend in “Cast Away”. The house was his kingdom and we all just borrowed space, and occasionally he saw fit to cuddle with us. Tom adopted him from a local rescue with a form that said he didn’t like children or dogs, yet he ended up living with both just fine. He was a cat’s cat through and through, everything was on his terms or not at all. As such, he had no faults and was perfect. Thanks for the occasional cuddles and purrs, Wilson.