Running: The Long Road Back

I completed my first run/walk since I was pregnant, and I’m only mildly exhausted. I can’t recall when my last run was because last time I was using the Garman watch and app and I lost my login, ooops. Now I’m using my Apple Watch, which is much easier and I can text from it which is useful.

Happy to report that I remembered how to run which is kind of critical. Surprisingly it was not my lungs that gave out first, as I’ve never been able to get my breathing dialed in really well. It was my right foot. Even my painfully tight calves warmed up just past a mile. I need new insoles, as the nice ones I have are…two years old now and only good for eight months or less. The other annoying thing was my hips are thicker now, so while my running tights fit perfectly, the Sweet Spot running skirts I have still ride up and have to be pulled down constantly.

Oh boy. Work to do…

For a shakedown run, I’m pretty pleased. I could have kept going, with a lot more walking of course but still upright. Aside from new insoles, not sure what I’m going to do about my right foot (the muscle on the bottom between my ankle and toe is very unhappy). It’s got a name right? It’s unhappy, but everything else is pretty good, just a little looser and larger than the last time I started running, pre surrogacy. As I either don’t do things or whole ass them, I’m joining a local women’s only running group, Sole Sisters, and training for a half marathon in May. I can only do terribly, but years ago when I did my first half marathon I basically didn’t train and still finished so with training and the right gear and knowing myself better I should finish stronger than half dead.

Gotta get back to this to start, then beyond!

I have to note that I did cry. A slow, steady leak for the first mile, and not due to physical pain. This is the first run over done alone in so many years, and I desperately miss my perfect pacing partner. Cyrus, you were the Very Best Dog.

Miss ya buddy

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After years of borrowing horses, working to ride and catch riding, I finally have my own horse, a spicy chocolate mare...but also a demanding day job (who doesn't?), a nerdy husband, a soccer loving kid who needs to be parented (by me, duh), and the ultimate trail buddy, a chocolate Labradork!

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