Winter again

This winter, more than ever, I’m determined not to loose momentum. Yes this is more a season of rest and being a home body, though there is plenty of learning to pack in for us; horse, human, child and dog all around. With my husband and I planning on a European trip next year, my endurance season will be curtailed by expenses and PTO dedicated to travelling versus rides.

My FIL snapped this from his house across the street!

I still want to keep my oar in the sport and move toward my eventual 100 miler goal, so my short term aims have to shift. I will choose two or three scenic and or tougher rides to attend, which will enable me to focus more on body building, conditioning, nutrition and volunteering. I’ve added another goal for 2025 or 24, to manage a ride, either an existing one or bring back one I wished I could have ridden, the Milwaukee Rail Trail Ride, or an LD somewhere in the Valley if those are allowed.

Neck rope and bareback!

That leaves me with two longer term, big achievement, multi year building goals to march towards, so I need closer in, more incremental ones to fill in the gaps.

Practicing ETS obstacles!

First up is our yearly expedition to the indoor Mountain Trail Course in Eugene. I love being able to visit this place annually, it is a good check up for how well we’re coming along together. I also love dragging my friends along. This year my goals are a bit bigger than just survival. Tarma and I have a deeper relationship and more communication tools in our boxes, so I’m going to push a bit. Instead of just completing the obstacles, I’m going to insist on precision, thoughtfulness, and more care on Tarma’s part. Plus more deliberateness and balance on mine. If we are having fun, we might toss a sequence of obstacles together, with some speed in between.

Kade up on Cody videoing for me!

On Saturdays I’m bouncing between hauling Tarma up to Summerglen, and riding her in the busy arena while Kade takes a lesson a Scout, and trying out things with the much more finished Tesoro. He has a beautiful, self balanced canter and avoids running in to walls, even when I’m crooked. I hadn’t realized how anxious Tarma has made me about cantering in the arena until I was able to ride Tesoro. Several folks at my barn ride or work their horses on Tuesdays and Thursdays, so I’ve joined that group. Yesterday I towed kid and dog along a bit early, and we all had a blast. Cody was awesome for Kade, and I was able to work Tarma through some stickiness without being confrontational. She gets concerned whenever HER boy is on another horse. This gives us a chance to look at something besides our screens, but also builds in a space where Kade and I can have some critical discussions. It’s funny how many important life conversations happen in a vehicle.

Riding together!!!!

Kade’s at the age where one minute we’re chatting about the cool skate board his friend is building, to his trumpet practice and current favorite song they’re working on in band, to how to deal with a bit of a bully and the language he uses to talk to to talk to his friends. It’s also a time for me to listen, Kade’s a smart and well spoken kid. Like I had hoped for, middle school has opened some horizons for him, it’s pushing him a bit but he’s really discovering what he likes…and a lot of new things along the way.

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After years of borrowing horses, working to ride and catch riding, I finally have my own horse, a spicy chocolate mare...but also a demanding day job (who doesn't?), a nerdy husband, a soccer loving kid who needs to be parented (by me, duh), and the ultimate trail buddy, a chocolate Labradork!

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