Couch Potato

I track Tarma’s progress so carefully, but I’ve yet again fallen into the classic mistake of ignoring the rider. In my case, I’ve let winter slow me down rather too much. Yes, we logged more than 1000 miles last year, including 200 competition miles (enough to nab 6th place Heavyweight in the PNW region!!!!), but I can’t rest too deeply on those laurels. I operate at my best when it comes to physical activity when I have a concrete event on the calendar.

New vest that I will wear to work pretty much daily.

Several years ago my motivating factor was the surrogacy; I lost 65 pounds and did a ton of cardio activity to meet the qualifications. After the babe was safely born and home and Tarma had been with me for a time, I set our sights on tackling my long time nemesis, the Grizzly Mountain Ride. We finished, rather dramatically right at time (mostly due to going off trail twice). With travel plans set to Las Vegas as a family and a further, bigger trip later in the year up in the air, our endurance season is less concrete. I want to do a ride or two to keep plugging away towards our decade team goal, as well as tests for our eventual 100 miler goal. As far as which 100 ride and when, those are totally up in the air, which is where my weakness comes in. I need a deadline!

The Husband has been walking more with us, so that’s wonderful

As I told a friend last weekend, most of the work to make us a 100 mile team (or even keep enjoying 50s!) is on myself. I do have some fussing to do with Tarma’s supplements, and I would like more respiratory/cardio workouts for her, but I feel as if I’m once more starting from scratch on myself…again. My last few rides have, sadly, hit me over the head with a hammer on this note. We did a 13 mile ride, our longest in a bit but not a major thing for us…usually. I was far more sore than I should have been, and I gave up posting after just a few minutes. I know it’s all about strength and rhythm, but I’m not posting with good form so I end up relying on my ankles, which soon fail as the weakest link and I’m back to a sitting trot. An hour’s lesson in the ring and boy am I hurting and not as stable as I should be. Tarma tried to take advantage of this and ducked a dirty shoulder during our last ring ride, almost running into other horses when we were cantering and I almost didn’t catch it as I was just staying upright. Some partner and athlete I am right now!

Doing his job of being irresistible.

I know the steps and actions to take, I’ve done them before, and my support systems are even better now. Who can avoid walking with a guilt tripping Labradork staring holes in the back of your head? Tracking calories, less in than out. Pick up a stretching or yoga routine, practice physical therapy (focusing on ankles and side to side balance.) Progressively load weights, though I’d have to join a gym again for access to some. Ride and keep riding. Walk some more, even when it rains and the couch and cozy blankets sing their Be a Couch Potato Song. I am starting slowly, I’ve walked six miles in the past two days with the Husband and the Dog, so that’s better than nothing. When I have my headphones in and I’m marching out to Beyoncé, I’m closer to being whooped into camp at the end of a long ride, tired but happy, and that’s where I aim to be. As soon as I put down the locally made chocolate truffles….

Can’t get over how awesome she was for Kade and I at the obstacle course this weekend!

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After years of borrowing horses, working to ride and catch riding, I finally have my own horse, a spicy chocolate mare...but also a demanding day job (who doesn't?), a nerdy husband, a soccer loving kid who needs to be parented (by me, duh), and the ultimate trail buddy, a chocolate Labradork!

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